Last Christmas, I recieved a gift card for a church bookstore in town. I don't get over there very often, so I still had a few dollars unused on the card. I happened to be in the area a couple weeks ago with a few extra minutes, so I stopped in to see what I could find. Just before I got to the music area, I found a small table full of clearance stuff. Books, music, CD's, etc. (They even had some old cassettes!)
"Everything $2."
The words called to me. I don't know, maybe I'm cheap, but if there's a table full of $2 items, surely there's something worthy. In addition to the
book about U2 that I blogged about last week, I got Derek Webb's "
I See Things Upside Down" CD, and Charlie Peacock's book
"At the Crossroads", which I've been reading. For 6 Bucks! For 6 Bucks that someone gave me!!!
This book is about the Christian music industry. Some good points, some shortcomings. Actually it deals with some similar themes as "
Walk On" did, but from within the industry itself. Peacock advocates a more complete kingdom vision - God's story everywhere in everything, as opposed to Christian music being reduced to 3 mentions of Jesus and better days to come when he returns. Living a life that is fully integrated with that kingdom vision.
It's been a very enlightening book, and a challenge to pay attention to the ever-expanding nature of the Kingdom of God and the beauty of creativity that is a part of the nature of His image bearers.
As he is speaking to the fact that there are so few examples of music from Christians that deal with the broader (but less easily labeled) aspects of God's Story, he mentions a passage from Song of Solomon: "Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth - for your love is more delightful than wine." This lyric wouldn't go over so well as a "Christian" lyric in CCM.
But ironically, within five minutes of reading that page, the Derek Webb CD that I bought that day played a song titled "Better Than Wine" that deals with just that theme! And now is a song called "T-shirts
(what we should be known for)" is speaking to the same topic as much of the book. Then again, Derek Webb is being seen as somewhat of a rogue element in the Christian Music Industry. But I bet he's read this book, too.
Either that, or, he and Charlie Peacock are living the same Story...
May I live it too...
And you with us.