Monday, January 25, 2010

Help Us Help Haiti

I'm pretty excited about the opportunity to host Remedy Drive this Wednesday night.  I like the band, but more than that, I'm excited about the way people are coming together to get relief to Haiti.  All of the money raised at the concert will go to Northwest Haiti Christian Mission's earthquake relief work.

A request for a small blurb in the calendar section of the paper turned into a front page story about the concert and relief to Haiti, and an interview with the local TV station!  Stories of tragedy and triumph keep coming in from news sources and teams at work in Haiti like the medical team we have down there right now. God is working through His Church to raise up hope from the rubble.

If you're still looking for a way to help, check out these options.
Samaritan's Purse

Also, for an up close and sobering look at what's going on in Haiti, check out Mark Driscoll's message from this past Sunday.

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