Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Get It?

I sometimes wonder if people get me. My wife says (and I freely admit) that when I preach I sometimes repeat myself too much. I'll say the same thing several times in a row. I'll say something, then say it again, just in case. When I make a statement, I'll invariably make it several times in several different ways.... ok, that's enough being dumb...

When I look into the gazes on the crowd of faces surrounding me, if they're glazed over, I'll say it again. But I still wonder sometimes if I'm communicating in ways that people understand. Do they get it?

I wonder if the substance of the message that I share is something that will change the hearts and actions of the people I share it with. I wonder if the people I share it with absorb any of it. I think if I'm true to the Word of God, then that will definitely shape the hearts that allow it to soak in.

I guess that's God's business then, and mine is just to be what He wants me to be and deliver the news He asks me to deliver.

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