Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Blogger is adding some new features and stuff, so my blog will be using a beta version of what they're doing for a while...

Sorry if this gets things all jacked up for a bit (like the blog links are gone and the side bar is at the bottom of the page and who knows what else).

As soon as I figure out how to get it fixed, I will.

One feature that I do like will be adding labels to posts that will categorize things a lot better than just what month they were written in. (But it will be a while before I can get through all the posts and get them labeled.)

1 comment:

  1. Hey look, the sidebar's back up where it's supposed to be! Yay!!!

    I also got a few of the blog links added back in, but there are more that I'll be adding.

    Again, my favorite added feature is going to be the labels. Each post will be put into categories, and you can see them grouped together by category if you want to. (A much more convenient way of searching through old posts - which have some great thoughts in them by the way, hehe.) I'll start labeling all new posts, and dig through the old ones, starting with the oldest first. Enjoy...


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