Monday, December 11, 2006


I really like the idea that I can 'cast all my cares' on a God who is big enough to handle them. It would be easy to get overwhelmed by life if I didn't know, that it's not my life I'm living. And since I'm living His life for me, I don't have to be overwhelmed by circumstances. I've just been kind of struck lately by the immensity of who/what I am to be. These things might overwhelm me if I did not have that assurance:

- responsibility for another life - having a new baby in the house.
- preparing for 6 hours of seminary in Los Angeles this January.
- learning to do a radio show that will also begin in January.
- being a father of 4 kids.
- being the husband my wife deserves.
- exploring new potential avenues for our student ministry.
- 2 youth trips on the same weekend (which happens to be the day after I return from class).
- spurring friends on to grow.
- correcting wrong assumptions that many students have about what the church is and does.
- leading students to discover the life God dreams for them.

These are huge things, and I take them very seriously. But if I get all wrapped up in what I have to do in each of these situations, it's so easy to lose focus on the One who sustains me and has led me to these places in life. May God help us all to keep our hearts aimed at Him and to rely on Him to be everything we need.

1 comment:

  1. Your newest daughter is beautiful! Congratulations to you guys!!! I understand what you mean about being overwhelmed. I have also placed all my worries onto God's shoulders and I can see things a little more clearly because of it. Praying things get easier for you!

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