Wednesday, February 20, 2008


"...we are baptized into Christ and joined with his body. Every believer passes through the waters and becomes a part of the river of life. Alone, you are only standing in a puddle. Together, we become an oasis where those searching for genuine love and acceptance can come and drink deeply."

--Erwin McManus in An Unstoppable Force

We really need to emphasize that the church, young and old, needs to be this type of source to the world today. People should find within us this well of love and hope and faith... because we freely share our love and hope and faith with them. Together.

Divided, they'll only find pettiness, self-regard, and defensive posturing. Do they really need us to show them more of that?
Thinking of calling our unnamed Wednesday night youth ministry time together "Oasis" or "The Well". Any thoughts???

1 comment:

  1. in my last ministry, we started a Wed. night program that we called Oasis. I always liked it.


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