Thursday, March 20, 2008

Great Project

Last night was one of the more encouraging Wednesday nights we've had lately. The night's focus was on reframing our problems (moving from complaint to worship) like Paul and Silas (who worshiped God while sitting in chains after being beaten in Acts 16). We talked about some situations of injustice in the world today and how we would respond if we were in those situations (unjustly imprisoned, enslaved, orphaned, impoverished, infected...). I told the students how I'd been both encouraged and challenged by the young people I talked about in the last post about The Core. Then we watched a promo video from BiteBack - a malaria prevention initiative of Compassion.
I asked to borrow a kid's hat and passed it around, telling the kids that we had an opportunity to do something about an issue of injustice. They gave just a little over $50 when it was all said and done. I hadn't told them ahead of time that we'd be doing this, and we don't usually do an offering, so this was a good start. One of the kids said he was going to go around the neighborhood asking to pick up dog poop to raise more money! We're also going to turn a talent show idea into a benefit for BiteBack. I'm excited to see what the students will bring next week and how being involved in this project will spur them to think of other ways they can make a difference in the world today.
If you're in youth ministry, I'd really encourage you to take a look into BiteBack as a project for your students.

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