Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Life's a Mission Sermon Audio

Here is the audio from Sunday's coldwater wrap up sermon. I didn't want to just have the dog and pony mission trip report, but to challenge the congregation to acts of service similar to what we did on the trip. Hopefully that came through - LIFE IS A MISSION. We are not home, we are on the mission field! God is at work. We are His co-workers. It's time for the Bride of Christ to take seriously the mission of Christ to reconcile humanity to the Father of Christ.

I left the audio in from a Steve Fee song that played during offering because I love the song (Burn for You). Shane had chosen the song and it provided a great platform to jump from as we dove into sharing the coldwater experience and 2 Cor. 5:17-6:2. Couldn't have chosen a more fitting song. It led me to the question, will we really go anywhere and do anything for the sake of Christ - or would we rather just go to church? (I also left the audio from the coldwater photo-show - it's Lecrae's "Send Me" from the video in the last post. Our trip's unofficial theme song!)

On an evaluative note, anybody else feel like I talked way too slowly? Yikes.

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