Friday, February 05, 2010

Come and See. Come and Listen.

"Tell the world how glorious He is."
"Say to God, 'How awesome are your deeds!'"
"Come and see what our God has done..."
"Come and listen... and I will tell you what he did for me."

These phrases, lifted out of Psalm 66 are resonating with me right now. I've been making more of an effort to meet with God in Scripture lately and this is what I read earlier today. I don't want to just read to prepare for the next lesson or to check a passage off an annual checklist, but rather, to continue a process of transformation that God began in me years ago.

As I spend more time reading the Bible (intent about what I'm reading and discussing what I'm reading with God), I'm seeing more and more of Him at work around me. Not only that, but I'm seeing more and more opportunity for Him to work through the various circumstances of life... if someone would just use those circumstances to reveal His presence (i.e. actually BE the hands and feet of Jesus in those situations).

I wonder what the world would look like if we were better at telling people what He's done for us? What if we were really great at giving God the credit for the awesome things He's doing? Would people see the church more clearly if we had the courage to brave the dark crevices of each other's tribes with light that brings life instead of judgment that piles on guilt and shame?

Exciting things are happening in and around us here at WestWay. God is working in some awesome ways to draw people to Himself and be reconciled with them... and I'm convinced we're on the edge of seeing even more. The Holy Spirit stirs within the soul of the Body given fully to Him. Let Him move. Let Him move you to reveal Himself to people who haven't been noticing Him already.

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