Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust

Just got a call from another student who is dropping out of the coldwater mission next week. Ironically, the call came while I was in the middle of a discussion about students dropping out of the mission. I know this will be an experience like no other. I know this trip will stretch us in ways that are uncomfortable, but which will bring us to a deeper reliance on God.

That's why Satan is using so many sneaky ways to convince my kids not to come. He fears what God can do. He hates the idea of young people putting themselves aside in order to serve someone else. He can't stand the thought of someone getting a glimpse of the love of God for them, through the efforts of a bunch of students. So he's doing whatever he can to snuff out the initial excitement that was raised months ago when we first starting working toward this mission. And one by one, they drop.

Please pray for our students - both those who are going and those who are not. Pray for my attitude toward the students who choose not to go. Many have great, legitimate reasons for not going. Some have the most pathetic excuses I've ever heard (seriously, I can't write some out without laughing out loud - maybe later). Some students are not ready or called to go and serve on this mission - others are willfully ignoring the good they can do. Pray that I reflect Christ in my approach to each individual.

The way this is shaping up, I know God is working on something awesome. I wish some of the students who will be missing could experience it, but I'm very thankful for those who will and looking forward to working together to reveal God. I'm excited for coldwater. Excited to serve together and spend some great time being the church.
If you're one of my students who's dropped from the trip or the parent of one, please don't make this post cause you to feel guilty about your choice. That is not my intent - I don't ever want to use guilt to motivate you. I understand that you have other things to take care of. Please be praying for those of us who are going - and feel free to join us for the local road cleanup Sunday night at 7:00 starting here at our building, also talk to Marshall and see if you can help serve food Thursday night while we're gone. God still loves you and so do I - don't let Satan win in your life.

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